Pay Attention When You Shovel Snow

Keeping your attention and awareness on what you are doing is the greatest way to maximize performance and minimize injury. So often we perform actions unconsciously. Although this may allow us to multitask, it also reduces accuracy and precision while increasing the risk of injury.

This is true with all physical activity but nothing quite as evident as when people shovel snow.

When one’s attention is focused on “the kids,” “the job,” “the meeting,” or anything other than the act of shoveling, we risk becoming injured. When shoveling snow, pay attention to the following:

1. Remain mindful, keep your attention on the experience.

2. Breathe when moving. Keeping the breath active maximizes the bodies strength and performance.

3. Warm up. As with any physical activity, it is wise to warm up the body beforehand. Consider a few minutes of a warmup exercise or gentle stretching before shoveling.

4. Pace yourself. Considering taking breaks and vary movements. Shoveling the same way in the same direction increases the likelihood of injury. Also, it is better to shovel a few inches at a time rather than waiting till the end of the storm when there is more snow to move.

5. Have a good shovel that you can manage. Also space your hands apart when gripping the shovel to increase the leverage.

6. Proper lifting. Pushing the snow is better than lifting. If you must lift, squat with your legs apart, knees bent, back straight. Lift with the legs rather than the arms. Walk the snow in the shovel to where you want to dump it rather than throwing the snow.

7. If you are experiencing pain, particularly increasing painful sensations, stop immediately and seek professional help.

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