Let’s Talk Cellphones!
We all have them, and we all fall into the same posture when we use them… hunched over, head down, completely zoned out from the rest of the world.
What do children and trees have in common?
Our goal at Westwood Family Chiropractic is to support the well-being of future generations. Just like with a tree, it is easier to grow healthy children than fix broken adults.
Pay Attention When You Shovel Snow
So often we perform actions unconsciously. Although this may allow us to multitask, it also reduces accuracy and precision while increasing the risk of injury.
This is true with all physical activity but nothing quite as evident as when people shovel snow.
Dr. Katherine Roose Earns Pediatric Certification
Westwood Family Chiropractic is proud to announce that Dr. Katherine Roose has been granted her Pediatric Certification by the Academy Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics (CACCP) from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association’s (ICPA) renowned Certification Program.
Three Reasons to Get Your Child's Spine Checked
Most of us experience our first subluxation during the birthing process. It is vital that we correct subluxations with regular chiropractic adjustments to remove any interference in the communication between the brain and the body. Removing this interference allows our bodies to grow and adapt optimally. It is therefore a great idea to get a baby checked as soon as possible to support their healthy growth and function.
Why should I keep going to the chiropractor when I don’t hurt?
You "threw" your back out, went to the chiropractor, you feel better and now they are recommending coming in for adjustments even though you don't hurt... what gives?
Dr. Peter Kevorkian Accepts Prestigious Position in California
It's through mixed emotions we wish great success and good luck to Dr. Peter Kevorkian, who has accepted a new position at Life Chiropractic College - West in the Bay Area of Northern California. He and his wife, Dr. Patti Giuliano, moved west in early January to begin this new chapter.
Debunking Myths About Chiropractic Care
"Why do you go to the chiropractor?" I'm sure some of your friends or family members must ask! There are some misconceptions or myths surrounding chiropractic so we wanted to take a moment to demystify some of the most common objections people have toward chiropractic and spread the chiropractic love.
Get Some Sleep on a Back-Friendly Mattress
One of the most important things we can do for our health is have a supportive mattress. When was the last time you purchased a new mattress? Here's a guide to knowing when it's time to invest in a new one.
No Backpack Injuries Here!
Ready to learn and get some knowledge- back to school they go! Before your children head out the door check out these 4 tips to make sure their backpacks are on correctly and their spines are protected.
Headaches and Chiropractic
Do you or someone you love suffer from headaches or migraines? Here's how chiropractic may help!
BBQ Season Followed by Indigestion Season
Barbecues are highlight of summer fun but they are frequently followed by something far less fun: indigestion. When one is struggling with indigestion, rarely do people consider chiropractic care as a way to help but here's why it may be just what you need.
Playground Bumps & Bruises
Playground injuries are incredibly common but did you know that those injuries could have longer term effects on your child's spine?
Cloistered in Our Cars
Our lives have become very sedentary; driving, sitting at a desk, and binge watching Netflix (it happens to the best of us!). Let's take on one of those challenges: driving. How can we make our driving experience better for our spines?
Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Children?
Do children really need to be adjusted? Absolutely and here's why. Outlining the life changing effects of adjustments during childhood.
How to Lose 5lbs in 1 Second.
No, this isn’t an ad for a new fad diet. It’s simply a reminder of the power of great posture!
Fatigue & Chiropractic
Feeling that late-winter fatigue? Here are some tips and tricks to keep you moving!
Winter Weather Calls for Chiropractic Care
Conquer winter colds, flu, aches and pains so you can get out there and enjoy the beauty of the season... or stay comfortable and warm inside!
Get A-head of ‘Tech Neck’
Phones, tablets, computers; we all have them and most of us use them on a daily basis. Most of us spend countless hours a day bent over our electronics causing 90% of the U.S. population to experience a loss of curvature in their cervical spine. Here's what we can do to help ourselves!