What do children and trees have in common?

Two neighbors plant identical trees on either side of their fence in the same soil and with the same tools. One of the neighbors plants the tree and leaves it alone to grow. They don't stake the tree for strong winds or cover it during snow storms or really do anything to care for the tree. Despite this, the tree grows and grows and grows. However, this tree shows all the stressors it has endured. There are stress points from all the environmental factors that affected the tree. It grew crooked.

On the other hand, the second tree had a very attentive caregiver who paid close attention to the needs of the tree. Every snow storm or strong winds or encroaching shade was carefully handled to ensure the tree could grow as strong as possible. This second tree grew straight and strong.

So, what was the difference? The seeds were the same and the soil was the same. Well, I like to think that the second neighbor was a chiropractor who knew the value of removing interferences to the function of the tree before they could take root.

Pediatric chiropractors, similarly to the gardeners, support the growth and development of children by removing interferences to the nervous system. Everything that happens in the body, including the normal growth and development of children, is controlled and coordinated by the brain and nervous system. However, just like our trees, children face their own wind storms in the form of micro- and macro-traumas that can impact the proper communication between the brain and nervous system.

From the birth process onward, our spines and nervous systems are subjected to a multitude of forces which can cause misalignments in the spine, called subluxations. Subluxations set the stage for reduced well-being and future health problems.

Specific and gentle spinal adjustments allow a child’s spine and nerve system to grow and develop to its optimal potential. Free of subluxations, the brain and body function more harmoniously and adapt to stressors more successfully.

Our goal at Westwood Family Chiropractic is to support the well-being of future generations. Just like with a tree, it is easier to grow healthy children than fix broken adults.


Pay Attention When You Shovel Snow